June 2024 — The last Prop SG project to be designed and constructed will be a wrestling / athletic facility. At this point (barring unforeseen costs arising with the two current projects), the district is on target for saving enough funds in the first four projects to be able to create a quality wrestling and athletic facility that can be utilized by multiple programs.
The district hopes to build an athletic facility that includes a 100 x 120-foot wrestling space with restrooms, storage and an office space, with an additional finished space with turf to be utilized by multiple SG R-II programs. This project is estimated to cost about $5.1 million. If for some reason, funds are unable to cover this design, the district plans to build the wrestling facility with restrooms, storage and an office space, with an additional unfinished shell to be finished with turf at a later date.
Currently, this facility will be located behind the Performing Arts Center. Taylor Engineering is completing a land survey for this proposed area. A timeline is not yet set for this project, as crews are currently focused on two ongoing projects (the Early Childhood Center and Ste. Genevieve Elementary). We will have more information on timing as we move forward.