Ste. Genevieve High School Project Updates

Total Prop SG Budget Currently On Target for Athletic Facility

June 2024 — The last Prop SG project to be designed and constructed will be a wrestling / athletic facility. At this point (barring unforeseen costs arising with the two current projects), the district is on target for saving enough funds in the first four projects to be able to create a quality wrestling and athletic facility that can be utilized by multiple programs.

The district hopes to build an athletic facility that includes a 100 x 120-foot wrestling space with restrooms, storage and an office space, with an additional finished space with turf to be utilized by multiple SG R-II programs. This project is estimated to cost about $5.1 million. If for some reason, funds are unable to cover this design, the district plans to build the wrestling facility with restrooms, storage and an office space, with an additional unfinished shell to be finished with turf at a later date.

Currently, this facility will be located behind the Performing Arts Center. Taylor Engineering is completing a land survey for this proposed area. A timeline is not yet set for this project, as crews are currently focused on two ongoing projects (the Early Childhood Center and Ste. Genevieve Elementary). We will have more information on timing as we move forward.

Wrestling Facility Preliminary Floor Plans

Floor Plans Discussed and Alternates Established

February 2024 — An athletic facility continues to be on the project list and at a minimum, a wrestling facility will be completed. A metal building offers an economy of scale and a cheaper price point, meaning that districts receive more square footage for a lower price. 

Our hope is that through value engineering and continuing to take advantage of cost-saving measures with the expertise of our CMAR and architects, we may be able to do more and provide a facility that will benefit many more students and programs here at SG R-II. Below, a wrestling facility is identified as our priority, as well as two alternates:

  • Priority: Wrestling Facility: a 100 x 120 ft. wrestling space with restrooms, storage and an office space. A preliminary design can be seen here. This project would be 12,000 sq. ft. and is estimated to cost about $2.4 million.

  • Alternate 1: Wrestling Facility with Shell: a 100 x 120 ft. wrestling space with restrooms, storage and an office space, with an additional unfinished shell to be finished with turf at a later date. A preliminary design can be seen here, and this project is estimated to cost about $3.9 million.

  • Alternate 2: Athletic Facility with Wrestling & Turf: a 100 x 120 ft. wrestling space with restrooms, storage and an office space, with an additional finished space with turf to be utilized by multiple SG R-II programs. A preliminary design can be seen here, and this project is estimated to cost about $5.1 million.

Planning for Athletic Facility to Follow Current Projects

January 2024 — As we move through these Prop SG projects, the district focuses on the projects that are in progress, or that are in the planning stages. Currently, our focus remains on the progress and any pertinent updates for the SGMS elevator addition, as well as finishing designs for the Early Childhood Center. Once the SGMS addition is near completion and the Early Childhood Center is fully underway, our focus will shift to finalizing the design and construction of the SGE project. The planning stage for the wrestling or athletic facility will then follow. 

While our current focus is not on a wrestling facility and/or athletic facility, that does not mean plans have changed in regards to it. What is possible regarding a wrestling/athletic facility is dependent upon what Prop SG monies remain when all prior projects are complete. That being said, the district has been able to complete the BLE and SGMS projects within a budget that is both fiscally responsible and frugal. We plan to do the same with the Early Childhood Center and SGE project. As we have detailed from the beginning, a wrestling facility continues to be on the project list and at a minimum, a wrestling facility will be completed. Our hope is through proper fiscal management, we may be able to do more and provide a facility that will benefit many more students and programs here at SG. 

Once the timeframe for the SGE project is solidified, more information will be shared regarding wrestling/athletic facility possibilities and its timeline.

Boys' Locker Room Undergoes Renovation

July 2023 — Our Maintenance Department and summer employees began renovating the boys' locker room this summer, as these spaces have been in need of a remodel for many years, and the district could address some of these updates outside of the scope of Prop SG.

Crews have power washed the walls and ceilings, removed old lockers, ordered new lockers, renovated wall spaces, given the locker room a fresh coat of paint, replaced the lights with LEDs, removed the shower column, updated the plumbing for the showers and more. Partitions will be added for showers, and there will be door replacements yet, as well.

We will share the finished photos after the fixtures are in and the paint is done!

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Maintenance Crew & summer employees renovate the SGHS boys' locker room.

Projects & Timelines Are Updated

March 2023 — Recently, the high school project has had some significant sitework challenges with increased costs, some of which include moving a water main which would require a permit from the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), updating the location of electrical poles and associated lines, and the addition of a sewage injector. District administration met with KRJ Architects and Brockmiller Construction to discuss the increased costs associated with each project, and came to the conclusion that a shift in direction might be needed, and that the District Level Facilities Committee should reconvene to provide input and make a decision. The committee delved into the updated plans, cost estimates, and unexpected hurdles and discussed the best approach to take going forward.

The original timeline included the Early Childhood Center beginning construction last. The committee discussed how that project could not then be completed if funds ran out due to increased costs of the other projects. The committee decided to put the high school gymnasium plans on hold, and ask KRJ Architects to shift their focus to the Early Childhood Center plans. The district is not cutting any of the projects at this time. The goal is to strive to save as we move through construction, and take advantage of the value engineering opportunities that Brockmiller Construction identifies.

The committee discussed the significant updates that need to be done at the high school, including the locker rooms, the current weight room and current wrestling facility. The group is hopeful that the district can begin addressing those concerns through Prop SG, even if the gymnasium is not possible as we approach the end of the projects. At this time, all of the projects are still on the table.

With the reorganization of the projects, the timelines are nearly the same, with the Ste. Genevieve Elementary timeline moving backward a few months due to the focus on the Early Childhood Center plans. All timelines are all contingent on updated costs, the availability of materials, and unexpected processes that may arise.

Project Plans Are Updated

January 2023 — The main project consists of a practice gym addition on the side of the existing gym building.

  • Currently, the design is one story. The current wrestling area will be renovated into a new weight room, and the current weight room will be renovated into a locker room for visiting teams. Originally, the plan was to make a two-story addition where the new wrestling area would be on the first level with the practice gym on the second level. However, Brockmiller Construction pointed out that it would be more cost effective to pull the two areas apart and leave the gymnasium one level while utilizing a metal building elsewhere on campus for the wrestling area. This new plan could possibly offer space within the metal building for other programs, such as a turf area for football and marching band, as well as batting cages for baseball and softball.

  • Currently, the plan for an athletic building would encompass four wrestling mats, small locker rooms and bathrooms, which were identified as needs in Prop SG. Brockmiller Construction, Inc. has built similar metal buildings for other school districts, as it is a popular design. These buildings offer an economy of scale and a cheaper price point, meaning that districts receive more square footage for a lower price. Having this standalone structure could save the district money rather than build the two-story addition originally discussed. This metal building could be expanded upon to become a 120 by 300 structure with turf, if funds allow.

  • The district will evaluate a report from GeoTech in order to determine a possible location for the metal building.

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One-Story Addition Location

Areas of Focus — Ste. Genevieve High School

April 2022


    • Construct a practice gym located next to the current gym.

    • Create a newly-renovated wrestling room and weight room

  • Restrooms: (FORMER ALTERNATE)

    • Update the restroom facilities throughout the high school. Priority 1: Restrooms near the office; Priority 2: Restrooms by the Social Studies hallway

      • Make the stalls larger.

      • Remove the tile flooring.

      • Add hygienic faucets.

      • Install hooks for student bags.

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Aerial view of proposed new SGHS gymnasium

This area will be updated as more information becomes available!

~ This webpage will be updated as more information becomes available! ~


Paid for by the Ste. Genevieve County R-II School District, Superintendent Dr. Paul Taylor